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There’s 101 different pieces of information you can gather about consumers, some are vital to creating a strategy for your product that connects on a personal level. Whether you're informing NPD or forming a marketing strategy, here's 50 questions that can help profile your market and audience.
What would someone need to know about you in order to really ‘get’ you? Where you live? Maybe. Where you were born? Unlikely. What you love, like and loath? Probably.
There’s a hundred and one different pieces of information you can gather about your audience through customer profiling, some of which are vital to creating a strategy for your product that connects with them on a personal level.
The way you choose to profile your consumers will hinge on what it is you want to find out. Are you looking to inform new product development with the motivations and needs of an existing audience, create a marketing strategy that resonates with the priorities of your audience, or something else entirely?
We’re here to help. The psychographic questions below will help you establish the general breakdown of your consumer base into groupings of similar beliefs, behaviours, demographics, motivations and more. Knowing what your consumers look like is the first step that your brand must take to being able to create a product and service that appeals to them. Pick and choose the questions that best suit your own consumer profiling project.
Find out more about profiling and how to get started with a customer profiling template. And get the lowdown on launching your research project with the Attest Consumer Research Academy, including the business challenges consumer profiling can help solve.
Here are some best practices for getting the most out of the questions below:
Read more about the importance and potential of psychographic profiling.
Consumer profiling can help across multiple facets of your business, from customer success, to new product development. The 50 questions above are just some of the avenues you can explore. If you’d love to get more inspiration for your insights project, here are more essential market research questions.
And here are some real examples of what can happen if you don’t run consumer profiling, starring Facebook, Pepsi and Dove.
To discover which questions are most important for your brand, and to get started with your own consumer profiling project, speak to our team today.
Turning a TikTok trend into long-term growth
Learn how Little Moons used consumer profiling to turn a TikTok trend into long-term growth
Customer Research Lead
Nick joined Attest in 2021, with more than 10 years' experience in market research and consumer insights on both agency and brand sides. As part of the Customer Research Team team, Nick takes a hands-on role supporting customers uncover insights and opportunities for growth.
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