There are two main types of qualitative research: moderated and unmoderated.
What’s the difference?
There’s no researcher present when people submit unmoderated qualitative research responses. This allows the respondents to give their responses in their own time and in their own comfortable environment.
Moderated research is where a researcher ‘moderates’ the sessions. Having a researcher right there in the room where it happens allows them to probe further into specific topics, giving a deeper level of insights.
It’s good to know the pros and cons of each type of research, so that you can make sure you set up the right research for your needs—and you get genuinely useful results.
Unmoderated vs. moderated research
Here are the pros and cons of unmoderated and moderated qualitative research.
Pros and cons of unmoderated qualitative research
- Bias-free environment: For unmoderated research, respondents record their own answers, eliminating any risk of bias from someone else like a moderator or another participant being in the room. Respondents don’t then feel the need to say what they think the moderator might want to hear, or alter their future responses based on reactions they received in the room, giving you more truthful responses.
- Candid responses: People often feel more able to speak their mind when they’re in a safe, comfortable environment. This helps give you more reliable feedback and insights you can really trust.
- Time and cost effective: It’s cheaper, easier and quicker to set up and gather unmoderated qualitative research. This is because you don’t need to gather people in the same place to conduct the research.
- Easier to sort through responses: If people are asked to record separate video responses for each question, your research output is already sorted into easily digestible results, saving you time and effort.
Cons of unmoderated qualitative research
- Less control over the responses: Because you’re not in the same room as your respondents, you can’t help people through the questions as easily. And you can’t follow up with ah hoc questions based on their responses.
- Bigger sample size: By not being in the room with respondents, you can’t help them through the survey in the same way. This will result in some responses being slightly lower quality. To make sure you get enough useful responses, you’ll probably need to have a slightly higher sample size than you would for a fully moderated research session.
Pros of moderated qualitative research
- Control over research’s direction: If a researcher is in the room they can ask ad hoc questions in response to topics and points raised in the discussion. This can help gather more in-depth responses.
- Responding to body language: It’s also possible to react to respondents’ body language when you’re in the room with them. You can then adjust your approach if any respondents seem to be shy or distracted.
Cons of moderated qualitative research
- Expensive and time-consuming: Getting researchers and respondents in the same room at the same time will take longer to organize, and will likely result in a higher cost for the research. And you can’t always guarantee that respondents will even turn up!
- Bias is more likely: People are likely to behave differently around people than they would in the comfort of their own environment. This can mean that they tailor their responses to please the moderator, or based on what other participants might say. And this will give you unreliable results.
- Harder to sort through output: Even if you record your moderated research session, you’ll then need to sort through the recording and note down the responses to different questions and topics.